
Keeping your vehicle running at peak performance is our top priority. Whether you need a check engine light diagnostic, a routine oil change or tune-up, brakes, or any of a number of vital services, our skilled technicians have the experience and education to keep your vehicle running safely and smoothly
Improving fuel economy, preventing misfires and rough idling are some of the benefits of bringing your vehicle in for routine tune ups and fuel injection cleaning. Sometimes a really good cleaning makes all the difference in the world, and you will notice a marked improvement in performance and acceleration.
Your vehicle’s owner’s manual usually has a complete maintenance schedule for services your vehicle will need over the course of its lifetime…everything from oil changes every 3.000 to 5,000 miles up to major preventative maintenance such as timing belt replacements. At our shop we routinely exceed the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Nobody likes to find out on the first day of a heat wave that their air conditioning is no longer functioning as advertised. Luckily, we are ready if you find yourself in that position to get your AC recharged or repaired quickly.

Many times a seemingly bad transmission can be relatively minor. Our experts can diagnose the problem and advise you on the best course of action. The transmission of a vehicle is the most complicated and essential component in your drivetrain. Because of its constant use and complexity, transmissions experience a lot of wear and tear. Eventually, it may become necessary to replace the transmission to keep your vehicle running properly.
After diagnosis, it may be determined that your transmission has issues that require a complete rebuild to ensure no future problems will occur. It takes skilled, experienced technicians to properly perform a transmission rebuild, and we have very talented mechanics on our team that can perform these tasks.
We perform a multi-point inspection when diagnosing transmission problems before starting any repair work. We utilize the latest equipment to ensure the most accurate diagnosis.
The transmission of a vehicle is the most complicated and essential component in your drivetrain. Because of its constant use and complexity, transmissions experience a lot of wear and tear. Eventually, it may become necessary to replace the transmission to keep your vehicle running properly.

A smooth ride is not just a luxury…it is vital to the safety and driveability of your vehicle. All of the components in your suspension aid in maneuverability and control. Your steering system should periodically be checked to ensure that components that could wear out over time be replaced, such as bearings & gears.
This is a recommended, periodic service to keep fresh fluid lubricating the vital components, gears, bearings, etc. of the transfer case. This maintenance function will keep the transfer case running cooler and can help to prevent premature wear and damage caused by contaminated or failing lubricant.
In the case of a manual transmission, you may experience loose pedals, hard to engage gears and mushy feeling pedals. If you are experiencing a loss of power, it could mean that the clutch is not engaging properly or slipping, which reduces torque and transfer of power from the engine to the rest of the drivetrain. A clutch replacement may be the answer to your problems, and our technicians can let you know what your best options are.
As with most components in your drivetrain, the differential has gears and components that are prone to wear, especially when leaks develop and fluid begins to seep out. As long as there is enough fluid to lubricate the vital parts, you would normally experience no problems. But, if the gears dry out from lack of fluid, it is just a matter of time before a major problem erupts, requiring the need for complete replacement. If you keep the fluid topped off around the same time you perform an oil change, it can go a long way toward helping to prevent a problem that requires drastic measures.
Your transfer case has many moving parts that work together and are subject to wear and tear, eventually leading to the need for repairs or replacement. Our technicians will determine the best course of action for your particular needs. Replacement kits include necessary bearings, gaskets, roller bearings, flange nuts and shims to perform a proper rebuild, if necessary.

We perform a multi-point inspection when diagnosing transmission problems before starting any repair work. We utilize the latest equipment to ensure the most accurate diagnosis.
Your vehicle is equipped with a myriad of sensors to detect malfunctions in a variety of automotive systems. We have state of the art equipment at our disposal to help determine the severity of problem and the need to for immediate service.